Browsing by Author "Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai"

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  • Postolache, Alina-Narcisa; Chelmu, Sorin-Sergiu; Ariton, Adina-Mirela; Ciorpac, Mitică; Pop, Cecilia; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Creangă, Șteofil (University of Bucharest, 2020-01-29)
    EU is the world’s leading exporter of cheese and one of the world’s top three suppliers of processed milk. Instruments such as those of the European Food and Feed Rapid Alert System (RASFF) play an increased role in consumer ...
  • Mădescu, Bianca-Maria; Lazăr, Roxana; Bolohan, Ioana; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2023)
    The purpose of this paper was to highlight the results of biometric measurements were performed on cattle of the Aubrac breed, exploited in Romania. Were measured a total number of 84 bovine, both adult females and bulls ...
  • Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Ciobotaru, Mihai-Cătălin; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    The study aimed to determine the influence of the amount of liver introduced into two varieties of liver sausages, pork and beef, on the quality properties of these products. The sausages were made from raw materials from ...
  • Anchidin, Bianca-Georgiana; Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Ciobotaru, Mihai-Cătălin; Gucianu, Ioana; Flocea, Elena-Iuliana; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    Meat colour remains one of the most important quality parameters influencing consumers and attracting the attention of meat scientists around the world. The objective of this scientific article was to follow the colorimetric ...
  • Georgescu, Bogdan; Predoi, Gabriel; Roșu, Petronela-Mihaela; Raita, Ștefania-Mariana; Bărbuceanu, Florica; Ghimpețeanu, Oana-Mărgărita; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Vișoiu, C.; Petrescu, Ciprian (”Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iași, 2016)
    This species is not included on the I.U.C.N. Red List, but in Romania, due to the relative high number of individuals, it is considered to be a protected species by governmental acts. During certain periods, in exchange ...
  • Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Munteanu, Mugurel; Tîrziu, Daniel-Dumitrel; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2022)
    The low consumption of game meat is directly related to the insufficient exploration of data on game meat processing and handling. Taking into account these considerations as well as the fact that in the practice of the ...
  • Solomon, L.; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu; Radu Rusu, Răzvan-Mihail; Lazăr, Roxana; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2020)
    Are the variations of temperature applied on certain key points quite significant in affecting the ultimate compositional and nutritional features of the chicken broiler meat? This was the question leading the research ...
  • Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Ciobotaru, Mihai-Cătălin; Gucianu, Ioana; Anchidin, Bianca-Georgiana; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2022)
    The meat business must produce consistently high-quality meat in order to satisfy consumers and improve consumption frequency. Due mostly to its somewhat larger connective tissue composition, beef's sensory palatability ...
  • Frunză, Gabriela; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Murariu, Otilia-Cristina; Rațu, Roxana-Nicoleta; Radu Rusu, Răzvan-Mihail; Simeanu, Cristina; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (MDPI, 2023-12-12)
    The aim of this study was to represent quality characterization, by gender and muscle type, of rabbit meat from the Flemish Giant (FG) breed, following the fatty acid profile, sanogenic indices, and instrumental (color and ...
  • Venin, Georgiana-Iuliana; Cârlescu, Petru-Marian; Tulbure, Anca; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Murariu, Otilia-Cristina (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2023)
    The main objective of current research is to evaluate the influence of lecithin as an emulsifer on the textural properties of artisanal chocolate. With its origins as a cacoa drink in antiquity, chocolate has evolved ...
  • Rațu, Roxana-Nicoleta; Cârlescu, Petru-Marian; Usturoi, Marius-Giorgi; Lipșa, Florin-Daniel; Veleșcu, Ionuț-Dumitru; Arsenoaia, Vlad-Nicolae; Florea, Andreea-Mihaela; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Radu Rusu, Răzvan-Mihail; Postolache, Alina-Narcisa; Simeanu, Daniel (MDPI, 2023-06-25)
    The study’s objective was to investigate changes in the fatty acid composition of cow milk in general and in 80 Romanian Spotted cows’ husbandry and feeding systems in particular (grazing–GC group vs. stabulation–SC group). ...
  • Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu; Flocea, Elena-Iuliana; Anchidin, Bianca-Georgiana; Mădescu, Bianca-Maria; Matei, Mădălina; Murariu, Otilia-Cristina; Frunză, Gabriela; Postolache, Alina-Narcisa; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai (Frontiers Media, 2024-04-29)
    Introduction: The level of essential minerals in meat is an important factor in human nutrition and health. Meat from responsibly managed wildlife is an alternative raw material with considerable nutritional benefits. Meat ...
  • Murariu, Otilia-Cristina; Murariu, Florin; Frunză, Gabriela; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (MDPI, 2023-02-20)
    This study aimed to evaluate the fatty acid profile and health lipid indices of sheep meat (from 52 Karakul sheep from NE Romania). The effect of age at slaughter and the influence of muscle region were studied for nutritional ...
  • Postolache, Alina-Narcisa; Pop, Cecilia; Zaharia, Roxana; Lăpușneanu, Dragoș-Mihai; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2020)
    Worldwide latest food fraud incidents have emphasized the need to reinforce food fraud prevention across the global supply chain, which again is essential not just to protect public health, but also to regain weakened ...
  • Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu; Ciobotaru, Mihai-Cătălin; Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2021)
    Fish meat, through its biological and chemical characteristics, is, for humans, nutritious food with many benefits on the body and is suitable for industrialization in various forms.This study aimed to make assortments ...
  • Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Munteanu, M.; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu; Pop, Cecilia (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2020)
    For consumers, tenderness represents an essential sensorial feature for meat taste. The term“tenderness” is often utilised in alternation with the “texture” one. Meat texture is a complexphenomenon, which includes ...
  • Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2020)
    Importance of technological properties derives from needing of provide of some exact information regarding further processing perspective of meat obtained by slaughtering, in conditions of economic efficiency aiming to ...
  • Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Ciobotaru, Mihai-Cătălin; Anchidin, Bianca-Georgiana; Matei, Mădălina; Munteanu, Mugurel; Frunză, Gabriela; Murariu, Otilia-Cristina; Flocea, Elena-Iuliana; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (MDPI, 2023-03-22)
    Game meat contains bioactive compounds that directly influence the formation of a rich reservoir of flavor precursors that produce specific sensory properties. Quality is considered one of the most influential determinants ...
  • Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Ciobotaru, Mihai-Cătălin; Postolache, Alina-Narcisa; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2021)
    To obtain high-quality food appreciated by consumers, several principles and rules are applied in all stages involved in obtaining the product, including design, production, testing, and marketing that must be observed. ...
  • Ciobanu, Marius-Mihai; Munteanu, Mugurel; Manoliu, Diana-Remina; Ciobotaru, Mihai-Cătălin; Boișteanu, Paul-Corneliu (“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, 2021)
    The importance of meat in consumption is due to its nutritional qualities, being a source of macronutrients, high-quality proteins and lipids, and highly bioavailable micronutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, ...