Following research we noticed that swine stomach lining presents numerous longitudinal folds with many cuts bounded by deep ditches. With 4x objective there is an overview of the stomach wall consisting of four tunics: mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serous. Lamia propria composed of loose connective tissue infiltrated by lymphocytes and mucosal muscle is composed of smooth muscle fibres. In histological examination we noticed that submucosa is composed of loose connective tissue with large blood vessels and contains nerves, Meissner submucosal plexus. Simple prismatic epithelium consists of two types of cells: high prismatic, located in the third round with core basal cells that are grouped in the bottom of the crypts. We observed high prismatic cells with apical microvilli and basal cells from pole to pole dilated basal and apical pole tapered, narrower allowing their location at the base of the crypts. Fundic glands are most numerous, straight appear in the upper and lower third bifurcated and these appears sectioned obliquely. Composed glands enter several types of cells: main basophils, parietal cells, oxintic, delomorfe and undifferentiated cells. With 40x objective is noted that the principal cells are located at the base of the gland appear grouped into nests and are the most numerous cells. These cells are cubic, small has basophil cytoplasm, nucleus euchromatic, small and round. Predominated gland parietal cells in the body are round or oval, large that protrudes outside the gland. Muscle lining is made of two layers of smooth muscle, organized on two levels: internal circular and external longitudinal. In histological examination we noticed that submucosa is composed of loose connective tissue with large blood vessels and contains nerves, plexus submucosal Meissner.