Permanent knowledge of distribution, diversity and interactions between organisms, plants and the environment in
which they live is extremely important for the conservation of biodiversity. Interest for biodiversity conservation is
intensified by concern bout the conservation of genetic resources, destruction of forest, extinction of species and the
effects of global warming. This paper presents some parasitic micromycetes identified on plant species from different
areas of Iasi County. In our fieldwork made in the spring of 2021 year were indentified some parasitic micromycetes to
spontaneous flora species as: fumewort (Corydalis solida L. Clairv.), alpine squill (Scilla bifolia L.), buttercup anemone
(Anemone ranunculoides), lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria L.) și snake's head fritillary (Fritillaria meleagrioides
Patrin ex Schult. & Schult. f.) Identified micromycetes cause some plant diseases as downy mildew or rust and this
fungi species belong to some different taxonomy: Those who cause downy mildew are from Oomycetes class, and rust
are from Teliomycetes class as Tranzschelia, Puccinia.și Uromyces genera.