The experiments were
conducted in a citrus orchard to check the
efficacy of insecticides against citrus psylla,
and mortality was observed after three days,
seven days and then after one month. Four
insecticides, Polytrin-C, Talstar, Bifenthrin
and Imidacloprid applied, had an almost
equal effect on the population reduction of
citrus psylla on all citrus plants. The trial
was laid out in randomized complete block
design (RCBD) having five treatments with
three replications in a citrus orchard, after
three days of spray showed percentage
control as 96.91%, 94.33%, 93.83% and
93.06% of following insecticides Polytrin-
C, Imidacloprid, Bifenthrin and Actara,
respectively, calculated by Minitab 15.
Psylla adults were exposed to different
concentrations (500, 400, 300, 200 and 100
ppm) of Imidacloprid and Bifenthrin, and
two controlled conditions (with leaves and
without leaves). Both Imidacloprid and
Bifenthrin insecticides proved to be the
most effective against D. citri with lethal
times (LT50s) of 4 and 5 hours, respectively,
at a concentration of 500 ppm, calculated
from probability test with Minitab-15.