The paper presents the leaves fertilization influence upon wheat yield in two experiments carried out in conventional
agriculture and conservative systems. The experimental fields comprised 6 leaves fertilizers variants and a control and
were laid out at SCDA Teleorman on a Haplic Phaeozem. Two treatments were applied with 1.25% leaves fertilizer on a
N90P40K0 agrochemical background proceeded from a complex 20-20-0 fertilizer, in the autumn, before sowing, and 50
kg N/ha Nitrocalcar, applied in the spring. Leaves fertilization, applied in the conservative system experiment, didn’t
bring forth a significant yield increase as compared to the control. Significant and distinctly significant increases of the
wheat yield were obtained in the conventional agriculture system, from 5,795 kg/ha in the control up to 7,373 kg/ha in the
Nutrifert S variant. The average conventional agriculture yield (6,978 kg/ha) was higher than the conservative agriculture
one (5,457 kg/ha) by 27.8%.