Correlation between some biochemical parameters, electrical conductivity and somatic cells in goat subclinical mastitis. Within a goat farm, subclinical mastitis represents one of the main causes that leads to economical loss. The evolution of subclinical mastitis occurrence leads to changes of milk quality parameters (acidity, NTS, NTG, salts). The milk becomes out of line and inappropriate for commercialization. If the mammary gland disease is not discovered in time and the milk is collected in the storage tank, the whole quantity of milk could be compromised. Our study was made during the summer season (july -august) within a goat farm with 40 goats (80 quarters) for milk. The problem incriminated by the farmer was the milk acidity over the maximum limit. This was the reference point of our study. To identify the causes, we kept track of the following parameters: milking quality, milk transportation and preservation and identifying the goats that suffer from subclinical mammary gland diseases. Out of all this parameters, the problem that came into proeminence was the mammary gland level of health. Mammary gland level of health was clinically evaluated through quality determination of milk secretion. On the collected milk we highlighted the next results: acidity 19 degrees Turner, chlorides >2g‰ , CMT+ (medium positive), electrical conductivity 280 units. The determination made on every animal, individually, proved that 82,5% of the examined goats were registered with positive and high positive out of line NCS values (CMT).