This paper aims at underlying some physico-chemical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the water in the
Şorogari creek in the in the sector Vânători locality – Podul de Fier – Iaşi. Field observations and physical – chemical
(pH, conductivity, the total content of solid substances dissolved - TDS) and chemical analysis (sulphates, nitrites) of
water samples were performed; the species of algae were identified. The results obtained emphasize specific values of
the analyzed indicators (pH, conductivity, TDS) according to the interval of time and the station of water sampling. The
pH was slightly alkaline. The water samplings taken from station five (Vânători locality) are noticeable for higher
values of the conductivity and TDS during the whole period taken into study. The species of algae identified in the
water samples belong to the groups Cyanophyta, Bacillariophyta; Euglenophyta, Chlorophyta, Xantophyta. The results
of physico-chemical and chemical analysis and the species of algae identified indicate the existence of some human
influence on the creek water in the studied sector.