From the first report of the species Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. in Romania in 1898, the insect spread and is currently present in all corn crops in our country. The production losses that the insect produces vary from one year to another, from one field to another, one of the factors influencing the reduction of the attack is the cultivated maize hybrid. This
paper presents the preliminary results obtained in 2019, where was studied the influence of the precocity group and the hybrid variety on the attack level produced by the european corn borers larvae in the conditions of the Center of Moldova. The studied maize hybrids show different values of the attack produced by the Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. larvae.
Depending on the maturity group, the genotypes that recorded high attack values are those from FAO groups 400 - 430 (Kerala and Olt), followed by semi-early hybrids in FAO groups 370-380, and the lowest attack was recorded by the hybrid Vibrion maize classified as FAO maturity group 290. Of the three maize varieties tested, the sweet hybrid was
the most affected by the european corn borer larvae attack followed by the dentate ones from the semi-early maturity groups and the flint variety (Vibrion) was not affected due to the short period of vegetation.