The reaction of winter wheat cultivars in four highly different climatical years, especially regarding the temperature and rainfall, suggested the necessity of stability analyses of their yield. For cultivar recommendation in north-east region if Romania, we evaluated the cultivar ecological plasticity. The paper presents the production results obtained from 44
Romanian varieties of winter wheat grown under pedoclimatic conditions at Ezareni Farm – Iasi Didactic Station, under non-irrigation regime. The best yield stability had Glosa, Andrada and Bezostaia 1 cultivars. The highest yields have been achieved by Unitar3
, Ursita4 , Mirandal FDL4 , Voinic3 , Otilia4 , T.143-113 cultivars, with a 3 three/4 four years average over 6 t/ha. They have a good yielding ability related to different climatic conditions.